Sunday morning arrived and excitedly we went down the garden to let the hens out and expectantly opened the nest box pop hole to look for eggs. Hubby was ready with the camera, poised to take photos of our first eggs, Small Boy was standing with a bucket in anticipation, it was a momentous occasion. Imagine the disappointment when we found no eggs! Hubby muttered something about how he thought we had got duff ones and we all trooped back in, certain that we wouldn't ever get eggs from them and went off to church for the morning service followed by a Jubilee celebration lunch.
When we came home, I popped down to the eglu and peeked inside- there was 2 perfect brown eggs. I ran up the garden, and we repeated the set up from the morning before going inside to proudly write the date on the eggs and to write in the egg diary.
Later on, I had one more look and found one more nestled in the straw. All 3 hens are laying! I quietly said thank you to the hens and I went inside. 3 Hens, 3 eggs- an egg each per day.
I learned my first lesson in garden chicken farming- chickens like privacy to lay their eggs. Therefore, if I am letting the hens out at 7:30am, watchign them for 20 minutes whilst they eat their breakfast and then checking for eggs at 8:00am is just setting myself up for disappointment!
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