Friday, 9 August 2013

Timothy, the accidental gerbil

Just before I say any more, I want to say sorry for my complete lack of ability to blog regularly. there are mitigating circumstances, namely that internet access could be described at best as sporadic, and at worst non existent. We are still not moved into Tiny Trees, 3 months nearly after purchasing it; the electrics have been undated, and the new boiler went in today, so hopefully we are making progress.

The animals have all moved to Tiny Trees now, and we have stayed a few nights, although not at the moment because there is no water or gas. Things are looking good though...

So, on to Timmy. He is not accidental in in the sense that he used to be something else (Squirrel? mouse?) and turned into a gerbil, more accidental in the sense that gerbil wasn't on my 'must have' pet list.

We were on a trip to our local pet shop to see if there were any stick insects left, and we left with Timmy. He is old, and he couldn't be looked after by his owner anymore. His owner was a rather elderly looking man who asked the pet shop to take Timmy, but they wouldn't, but said that they could offer him to the pythons. I them stepped in and said that he could come home with me. The pet shop lady shrugged and said that was fine, but he looked to be so old he wouldn't make it past his first bag of food.

Not sure what hubby thought when I brought Timmy home- we haven't had little tiny rodents before. So, I borrowed a large fish tank from a good friend and Timmy now lives on a shelf, spending his day shredding toilet roll tubes and eating sunflower seeds. He is a happy, and incredibly tame gerbil :-)

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