Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The first veggies... digging a trench

Now, Small Boy was 4 last week, and Small girl is now 3 and 2 months.
Both go out to their respective preschools in the morning, and then come home, and this, on days that I am not at work, is now farming time.
Earlier this week we went and bought our first 'plants' of the year- some asparagus crowns, 2 rhubarb crowns and some onion sets. Potatoes are chitting away nicely elsewhere.
The other day, I was picking up Small Girl, and told her that we needed to get home to dig a trench. So, now, her favourite word is 'trench'. she tells everyone that she spends her afternoons digging trenches for Mummy. Which isn't how it really happens- usually it is Mummy digging whist SB and SG run around doing fun, child things.
Anyway, I have now cleared the ground for the asparagus trench. Now to dig the trench, fill with organic materials, and plant the crowns.
I am going to clear another area for the rhubarb and finish the strawberry and raspberry beds- I will have a better growing season this year.

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