Monday, 11 March 2013


In the absence of other things to do this week, I signed up to do a MOOC.
If you know what I am talking about then you are doing well. If it, stay tuned.
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course, they tend to be free and are courses run over the Internet by various universities and institutions. There are a few different providers of MOOCs- I found out about them because the Open University are behind one such organisation called FutureLearn, And I am studying for my degree with the OU, so have my finger on the pulse of such things (provided I read my newsletters).

I started one this week called 'Internet history, technology and security', which is lots of fun. There are recorded lectures that one should watch, quizzes and a final exam. You can write essays if you want, but given that I am already doing 120 credit points worth of essays at the moment In my OU studies, I think I will pass.

Today, my other MOOC will start- Introduction to sustainability. I am excited about this because it look challenging, but also it will be nice to get a certificate at the end to go in my certificates folder for showing at job interviews.

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