Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Spring has sprung

Well, it's been a while hasn't it. I could make lots of excuses, but basically I couldn't be bothered to blog. To be honest, nothing worth blogging about has happened until now, so this is where I will pick up and promise to be good in future.

One thing I might have written about but didn't- we had a death in the family. I found Camilla chicken dead in pink Eglu on Christmas morning, which rather dampened my enthusiasm for cockerel on Boxing Day. It was completely unexpected, no signs at all that this might happen. It was very sad :-(

The other downer is that hatching quails hasn't gone to plan- nothing hatched from the first attempt, and I had 8 from the second, but they have slowly died, one by one. Feel gutted about it to be completely honest with you, dear readers. So, I have an empty incy, empty brooder and nothing to show for it.

The last big change is that we said goodbye to Au Pair at Christmas time. It was really sad as she was a part of the family, but Small Boy and Small Girl are growing up and are out far more and need looking after at home far less, and besides, I have stopped lots of my work and have no reason to have help. I miss her, and hope that she is having lots of fun whereever she is now.

However, laying all these things aside, things are looking up. We are planning to move house, I have a new sewing machine on the way, and I am starting a beekeeping course 2 weeks today.

In chicken news- we have had a couple of eggs, but not many at all. Will worm with flub soon. Quails Rosie and Jim (Jim is a girl in case you were wondering) are laying every few days.

So, animal count is as follows:
6 Chickens: Elizabeth and Kate (Eglu Pink) Blue, Green, Yellow and Nandos (Eglu Rouge)
2 Quail: Rosie and Jim
2 Guinea Pigs: Woolly and Tig (forgot to mention them- they came at Christmas)
1 Giant Snail: Bob
Lots of worms

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